Visual Basic Toolbox
Visual Basic Toolbox (P.I.E.)(1996).ISO
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Text File
46 lines
Hello, Thanx for trying my gradiant fill program!
This program will perform a gradiant fill on the background of a form using
any starting and ending color. It does this by creating a 1 pixel
bitmap with all the appropriate color shades and saving it as a 256 color
bitmap named "custom.bmp". This bitmap is then loaded into the forms picture
to give the form all the available shades. This program is meant to be run
in 256 color mode although it will work with 16 colors. I have not tested it
using 16 million colors because I'm pretty sure it will not work.
To use simply click on the form and select from the chooser dialog
Under Colors:
Select one of the predefined colors or choose custom
color. Once you have choosen custom color click on one
of the colors to change to a new color.
Under Styles:
Select one of the available styles.
Invert will switch the From and To Colors
# of Steps:
This is the number of color gradiant steps to be used to
render the drawing (max of 255).
If you want to use this in your program follow these steps:
1. Include the Backgrnd.Bas file in your program
2. On the form you want the effect to appear add the following code:
Dim i%
If CreateBitMap(128, RGB(255, 0, 0), RGB(0, 255, 0)) Then
Me.Picture = LoadPicture("Custom.bmp")
Call DrawBackGround(Me, "This is a test", RGB(255, 0, 0), RGB(0, 255, 0), 0, 128)
End If
3. That's All!!
I hope you like it. Mail me with any suggestions or comments.
Michael McCarthy